May 06, 2010

5 Search Engine tips to maintain your #1 Ranking in Google-After You’ve gained the top.

I have discussed about how to get top rankings in search engine result page for target keywords in most of blog post. Getting ranking is not crucial step but staying in top ranking is major fact.  What step you do when you reach your goal finally in #1 search engine ranking. Do you cleanly enjoy the journey and request major search engine like Google, Yahoo, etc keeps your keywords at the top position! Or else is there any way you can be better practical with your approach so you can preserve and even add to your achievement

In this blog post I will give you whole solution about to maintain step by step to be #1 ranking.

Admit it or not getting #1 ranking for couples of competitive keywords is not the end of the war for your SEO campaign. If you are auspicious sufficient to even be in situation like this , still there few things you can do to freeze  your position for the long period and better further increase conversions and traffic.

You guys very well know, SEO at its core all about quality content and inbound & out bound links. If your website has both, your site is more expected to rank satisfactorily in the search engines. That mean said, the competition (ranked 2-10) is not in to get you and you can’t meet the expense of to sit on your hands

If you want to be on top for highly target keywords, might be you are achieving lots of target traffic then you need to increase your link ability of your page.
What you do to get natural links that come from tops listing. A lot of website owners, people believe ranking of Google, so they look link resources. Your task is to analyze and improve”linkability” by establishing to everybody that is not creating mistake by ranking first to your website.

Below five advanced search engine tips and tricks which you may follow to obtain your top ranking.
No.1. Website Design- improves design of your website, when it comes to magnetizing links.
Spread out website content and create it leader and bears.
Remove advertising temporarily. May be I am sure you would want to analyze ranking, some times too many ads might be an off-ramp for link, if you over do. It is the good tips to limit your ads until to achieve few more links. This will help to make better money on later.

Look out links quickly- once you are in top ranking in competitive keyword, you can weight your arrangement to achieve more links. Take an example; you added a link in relevant wikipedia page is better likely to bond. Another way is that you can ask to blogger to link if they have related content on their website. Search for getting links whether it be guest posting, article posting, forum marketing or press release. Not only add links but also create it more complicated to leave behinds for other. Optimize and mix up the anchor text links & try to achieve as soon as good ranking in related phrases.

Analyze & Optimize click through rates and conversions – getting benefit from #1 ranking is important fact. Possibilities are or not. Always improvement of clicks through rates and conversions rate. Read few tricks for each.
Click through rates – getting #1 search engine ranking doesn’t mean you will achieve N number of visitors per day. While placing is undeniably important, still you can increase the chance of click through rates by pinching the following points.

Title tags- Title tags play major roles to achieve better click through rate because it express your site information to visitors. Title tag is the bold line text you can find out search engine result page. By adding symbols like “*” or “->” to the starting of the title to attract attention.

Meta Tag Description- This is the bunch of words that displays in your search engine listing. Google will oftentimes changes depend on searched; you can indicate preference by adding inserting Meta description tag in the head part of your web site page. Try to add attractive descriptive sentence in your target keywords and a call to action to interest users’ attention.

Conversion rates – After you have achieved #1 position in the ranking of search engine, the visitors click through clicked through to your website. You need them to convert! In other sense, you want to searchers to do whatever you want them to take action on your site, whether it be clicking your ads, buying your product, service or sign up your news latter.

Test, now give more time to test, analyze your website, visitors then give more time on test. at the side of  performing A/B testing use hot services that will help to see where searcher clicking most. If you are staying money making mind, it will help this tricks

Spread on ranking opportunities – getting #1 ranking good there is chance even more usability. What method can you take? Ok firs the scope expanding keyword of the ranking pages to aim more keyword. Take an example if your title is “used cars” you can spread like “used cars in California or used cars for sale in California” that will help to allow for getting better ranking and more visitors. But sure you will be using density of keywords in the title tags of your main keywords
Also, you can include a second concave listing in your search result. Suppose you have 2 rankings in search engine result page. Google will put up second one to list up right under first. For e.g. if your site has #1 ranking  and #10 ranking for a using keywords in same domain , Google will automatically put up the number 10 ranking #2. After all you get search engine ranking #10 to #2 which is more worth effort. Create and analyze related page and research for it.

Future-proof your ranking in SEO- Search Engine Optimization such a vast online industry is tremendously unstable and your search engine ranking could change easily according to the algorithms of new technology. Question is “what step you should take to prevent this? One solution is future proofing SEO ranking.

In toting up the quality link and good content below are few tricks which search engine will like for up coming future the find out the website authority.

Traffic/ visitors engagement- There is lots of information in Google has like behavior of user. How they react on your website, how much time spending on your website. All its comes after getting top search engine ranking.

Branding- CEO of Google already said that brands will concentrate effort the Internet culvert of propaganda. If you need to build a brand or be the part of culvert of propaganda? Instead of creating generic site which throwaway in search engine result page. Take an example, if your achieving high amount of traffic from search, just looks twisted and able to head out few red flags. Build a solid strong brands and business & Google if dose not rank you highly it seems bad on them.

Social Media- After all social media is every thing now days. Networking sites like Twitter and Facebook Have a large amount of user data and all of this can be forced to figure out popular stories, blogs or website. Promote your website these areas if you never don before.


Lisa said...

That's good explanation for staying long term in search engine ranking. Previous SEO work and keyword expanding plays major roles in the sector of ranking

Unknown said...

I don't have exactly idea about whether the advertising really affect on ranking or not. But I Would like to recommend one thing that we should create first good relationship with link partners. And you have mentioned about description meta tag, many seo practitioners just add list of keywords in description. But it is not fair it should be healthy and meaningful description of what your page provide. Thanks for this post. You might like to read my article about link popularity.

Anonymous said...

Seo is one of the strongest weapon, in order to stay in the market. Web is one of the area where you can catch the peoples eyes. In order to do that you have to be strong enough in seo , you have to know the tricks to sustain in the long run. I think this blog will give you, good idea, and show the way to improve the skills in seo

Smith Joshep said...

I think meta tags plays important roles to get more visitors and also ranking. Anyway you have nicely explained it.